Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happiness is ....

Sometimes, some things we take for granted. Some things I take for granted.

I used to think I'll always be this happy positive guy full of positive energy, full of hope and determination to succeed in life no matter how hard life may be. But sadly, somehow I've forgotten what it feels like to be happy.

The deterioration of one's health have a direct influence on one's ability to be positive and cheerful. Ever since the freakishly high fever and killer headache suffered last Thursday, life has not been the same. Im still waiting for the day I regain my health back. My throat is feeling sore and nothing seems to make it go away. I feel more nervous and with the exams round the corner, I'm really feeling so messed up.

I don't know but for the first time in a while, I think I need help. Badly.

I miss attending trainings. I miss having the ability to concentrate. I miss liking school. I miss being distracted. I miss being healthy and happy. This, is depressing.

I hope this is temporal. I hope this is a strong reminder for me to not take things for granted. To always be grateful for everything that I have. Never should we ever take things for granted coz you'll never know when it'll be taken away from you.

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