Was watching Warkah Untuk Ibu and the first few minutes made me think. The fella was asking the girl what school she's in and what course she's doing and what not and he said something along the line of: If only he wasnt the sole bread winner of the family.... he would study all the way to the university.
It sounded like what i would tell myself back in those days where i was still didnt have a clear sense of direction. It sounded like a reasonable reason then but when i heard the words coming out from the actor, my first reaction was: RUBBISH! And that there's no reason not to pursue further education because of such a reason. And i hope my mother and i could come up with something to make sure me furthering my studies would be less of a burden.
In other news, the iron is making ironing an irritating workout. The ironboard will soon be 2 boards. The rice cooker is making the rice black. The water heater isnt making the water hot. And Ive yet to find time to buy rice coz shops are so packed these past few days due to the festive season. Shopping for groceries used to be a once a month affair but now, it becomes a chore. In short, managing a family is not easy.