Sunday, August 21, 2011

The things I busy myself with

Cover letter. Resume. Final Year Project. Readings. Prof meeting. Integrated Design meeting. Vasco Da Gama. Traffic tutorial. Waste Characterization. Last 8 nights. And other non-urgent but important issues nonetheless.

Prioritize. Strength. Patience.

Week 3 of 13, here too soon. Need good grades to land a decent job.


Mutiara Bernilai said...


Hm, for me good grade is just a bonus, takpun itu adalah usaha kita dalam mencari kerja dan rezeki,,sekadar usaha.

sebab yang nyata, kita hanya bertawakal sepenuhnya kepada Allah dalam membuka pintu rezki untuk kita.. :)

tp insyaAllah sy yakin, awak bukannya seorang abdi Allah yng bertawakal dengan pointer kan?

salam akhir ramadhan dr malaysia..

marzuki said...


It's interesting how priorities shifted as soon as school work begins to pile up. Time and time again, need to remind myself of my priorities.

Bertawakal dgn pointer, sudah tentu tidak. And i hope i stay this way, insyaallah. Sbb hati ini sentiasa berbolak-balik. Hope it stays firm esp in this regard.

Bismillahi tawakkaltu ‘alallah, laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah.
