Saturday, August 1, 2009


Strangely and frustratingly, the wysiwyg editor has gone missing. The row of icons that I so frequently use to change my fonts and font size and text color and most importantly to add pictures to my entries is gone. And ive yet to find any solution to this problem.

Meanwhile, I managed to channel most of my frustrations with blogger into the search of a new blogskin - and after attempt number 10, Ive finally found one that i kinda liked.

So here's a trial post in HTML format. Really hope for this wysiwyg problem to be solved sooon. I need pictures.

Oh no, August's here.

1 comment:

Mi said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog.

When I use Blogger in Draft, I do have the add pictures icon (or "insert image"). Need to be in the Compose mode and not HTML mode. The icon is next to the Link function. So I can upload pictures now.