Thursday, March 10, 2011

On Reflection

I remember writing because I remember being the guy with few words. I found it easier to express myself through writing. In 2009, I remember writing about unreal realism. I asked myself if it's possible for my online persona to meet my offline persona.

Today, I realized that the blogger me is making himself known. I'm letting people know what I'm thinking. Sometimes, some ask me about my thoughts on certain things. I'm starting to talk. Alhamdulillah. A part of me is afraid that this "newer" side of me will hurt the feelings of others through the things that I say. I hope I'll remember to speak good, or simply remain silent. And if I do not, please, remind me.

As such, I'm doing more and more reflecting with other people through conversations in real life. I'm starting to find myself reflecting on issues without the need to write them out. What used to be a mess of messy thoughts are messy no more. I pray things will change for the better.

I plan to write something every 2 weeks or so. Take note! (:

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