Monday, March 14, 2011

45 days ago...

... I wrote an entry titled, "I'm Judgmental. Don't judge me."

"I've been writing a mouthful of late coz being alone forces me into conversations with myself about things in random and we begin to deconstruct whatever or whoever that comes to mind.

Today, after one of such deconstructions, I realize how bothered I can get when people judge my sincerity - especially when I'm actually very very sincere about helping."

I see a pattern. I see a problem. Still figuring a permanent solution for many more will continue to judge me. Being annoyed, irritated or bothered is simply not worth it. It only fuels anger, hatred and animosity and these feelings never do anyone any good.

It was a mistake to be annoyed and irritated. I shouldn't have bothered to explain myself. I should have simply walked away. That's what I'll do should it ever happen again.

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