Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Love and Sacrifice

It was a beautiful read. One really has to read it with a clear mind, in a quiet place and most importantly, with minimal disruption to truly let the words sink in. Considering the effort put it on the part of the writer, some effort has to be put in on the part of the reader to appreciate his work.

For one who do not seem to see the beauty of poems and beautiful verses, the opening verse was simply perfect -- though it took me several reads before i finally understood it.

Indeed, "From young, we have been told of the dire consequences of not complying with Allah's commandments -- that everything has to be dogmatically performed without appealing to the reasons or rationale of the particular ruling." And "Over time, even Muslims begin to believe that Allah, the Most Merciful is indeed a punishing God."

Even i seem to forget "His Name is mentioned most frequently with His attributes of 'Ar-Rahman' and 'Ar-Rahim'...". Only after reading this i finally truly understood the beautiful verse by Mevlana Rumi. And the rest of the paper flowed nicely thereafter.

I particularly like it when the writer mentioned, "When in love with another individual, one becomes oblivious to any short comings in the beloved, as this kind of love renders one blind and deaf." And although ive never really heard "the famed story between Laila and Majnun", the quote's something i dun think i'll ever forget. For those who're in the same boat as i was, the story's about a young man who was scorned and ridiculed for his obsession with the maiden, because to the eyes of the world Laila was extremely plain-looking. In response to this, the youth replied: "To see the beauty of Laila, one requires the eyes of Majnun."

The paragraphs on teacher and student is pretty accurate and close to the heart. A teacher is like "our soul's gardener. He takes you from where you are right now, and uses your inner materials as fertilizer to grow your heart... He is like a taxi-driver:you get on wherever you are, and the driver takes you where you want to go."

"There are however responsibilities imposed on the student. Good students make good teachers...... Of course, the necessary ore needs to be there, but the students are also responsible for the kind of leadership they receive. In a very real sense, it is they who create the guide with their own sincerity and yearning."

Sometimes i wonder why i work differently with the different kids i teach. And the above pretty much answer my question.

It leaves me now to say that after reading the paper, it managed to change the way i view certain things in life. One of which is that each time i pray, it's because of love rather than because of fear of his wrath. After all, "Allah exists with or without our love, but we will perish without His Love."

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