Sunday, March 27, 2011

They are but a trial

"Your wealth and your children are but a trial, and Allah has with Him a great reward."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Your elder brother is as good as dead.
The freedom you seek, take it.

Today, I question the role of the father, a mother, a brother and the child in the family. Is the parent and the child equal? Does being the father equates to automatic respect of the child? Does the child have the right to disrespect the elders? When does a child stops asking for permission? What right does a parent have to impose their decision on the child?

I gave it some thought and my arguments became circular. The breaking of a family unit, to me, is a calamity. I've always generalised that single-parent families tend to be problematic. While I do not intend to self-prophecise my generalisation, sometimes, some things are just beyond our control

No kind of calamity can occur, except by the leave of Allah: and if any one believes in Allah, (Allah) guides his heart (aright): for Allah knows all things. (64:11)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

45 days ago...

... I wrote an entry titled, "I'm Judgmental. Don't judge me."

"I've been writing a mouthful of late coz being alone forces me into conversations with myself about things in random and we begin to deconstruct whatever or whoever that comes to mind.

Today, after one of such deconstructions, I realize how bothered I can get when people judge my sincerity - especially when I'm actually very very sincere about helping."

I see a pattern. I see a problem. Still figuring a permanent solution for many more will continue to judge me. Being annoyed, irritated or bothered is simply not worth it. It only fuels anger, hatred and animosity and these feelings never do anyone any good.

It was a mistake to be annoyed and irritated. I shouldn't have bothered to explain myself. I should have simply walked away. That's what I'll do should it ever happen again.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

3 days ago...

.. I wrote:

"Today, I realized that the blogger me is making himself known. I'm letting people know what I'm thinking. Sometimes, some ask me about my thoughts on certain things. I'm starting to talk. Alhamdulillah. A part of me is afraid that this "newer" side of me will hurt the feelings of others through the things that I say. I hope I'll remember to speak good, or simply remain silent. And if I do not, please, remind me."

3 days later, what I wrote came true. It sucks when I somehow manage to prove my own prediction right. I was gonna go back into my cave when a fellow extraverted introvert advised me not to. It is true how we'll never be able to please everybody. And that if we like doing what we're doing, we should never let others stop us from doing the things we love.

On Judging Others

Never judge the intentions of others. Judge mine at your own risk.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

On Reflection

I remember writing because I remember being the guy with few words. I found it easier to express myself through writing. In 2009, I remember writing about unreal realism. I asked myself if it's possible for my online persona to meet my offline persona.

Today, I realized that the blogger me is making himself known. I'm letting people know what I'm thinking. Sometimes, some ask me about my thoughts on certain things. I'm starting to talk. Alhamdulillah. A part of me is afraid that this "newer" side of me will hurt the feelings of others through the things that I say. I hope I'll remember to speak good, or simply remain silent. And if I do not, please, remind me.

As such, I'm doing more and more reflecting with other people through conversations in real life. I'm starting to find myself reflecting on issues without the need to write them out. What used to be a mess of messy thoughts are messy no more. I pray things will change for the better.

I plan to write something every 2 weeks or so. Take note! (:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Speak good or ...

Abu Hurairah (RA) reported words of Prophet (SAW):

‘Whosoever believes in Allaah and the Last Day, then let him speak good or remain silent.’

[Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree]

2 remaining midterms on the way. Recess week awaits!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No one gave you the right to hurt

Reintrospection: Thoughts and Reflections is where you'll find my, well, thoughts and reflections on anything and everything.

Writing allows me to navigate through the mess in my head and tackle the root of the problems. Before something gets published, entries go through layers of checks. After publishing, I'll read it a couple more times to see if all the words fall in the right places.

And when I read, I'll make sure that my words do not hurt. (Henceforth is a reminder to myself, and to whoever's reading.) This blog may be a personal space but you and I both know that privacy cease to exist when you enter the world wide web. Friends, and friends-to-be, drop by - especially those whom you share your blog with. And these individuals have personal spaces too. These individuals have feelings - feelings that ought to be respected no matter how bad you as the writer is feeling.

For the world doesn't revolve around the self. It revolves around our relationship with God, and with the people around us. And remember that no one has the right to hurt the feelings of others.

Guarding one's speech is so important that Muslims will be held accountable for everything they say: "Not a word does he (or she) utter but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it)" (Quran 50:18)

And for the hurt, remember the following: "Oh you who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer, for God is with those who patiently persevere." (2:153)