Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Egg or tuna sandwich?

On the way back home from school, i was sandwich-ed between 2 middle aged guys.

One was reading 4 pages of computer programs line by line, perhaps looking for either syntax errors or logical errors that could have led to runtime error. The other guy was reading around 5-6 pages of text from wikipedia about the 2004 undersea Indian Ocean earthquake.

My cognitive schemata made me perceive them to be a computer engineer and a student/teacher/ geologist respectively. And i wonder what i'll be reading on a train 20 years from now.

Will i be an engineer? A teacher? A social worker? Or will i just be a kaya sandwich? (I dun mind if this malay word - kaya -refers to wealthy and not its other meaning.)

But then again, will I still be taking the train when i'm 40?

1 comment:

TheHoopoe said...

whatever it is - as we discussed many times - not a social worker, please :p

you dont want to be like THEM :)