Sunday, November 20, 2005

Can it be?

You're a very sensitive soul. You haven't grown that thick skin that most adults have. Easily hurt, you tend to retreat to your comfort zone.You don't let many people in - unless you've trusted them for a long time.
How Is Your Inner Child?
Alamak.... how can it be? I where got sensitive or sad? Do i not let many people in?? heh... maybe i don't. Whatever it is, quite cool lah... a sad inner child.
So far so boring... and it's only a day after exam's over. Maybe after this go library borrow book ... BFG.... haha... so primary school but hu cares! .. and tonight got I AM SAM.... the trailer caught my attention seh. The little girl's acting like so real. So heart wrenching. MUST WATCH!!!

Tonight, I am Sam. Tommorrow and monday, Harry potter 2. Wahlao, why must they split harry potter into 2 days??!!! Where got fun??!! haiz...

Hock told me about SIM and how they take in ppl who get lousy Alevel grades and how their fees are no longer private now. This clearly shows how much he sayang me.... HAHA... okok...maybe not. But management doesnt seem like my cup of tea. What could i possibly manage after graduation? Manage a wife and two kids? I dun need a degree for that. haha... but it's a door though... one of the many, i mean few, choices to chooose from.

Talked to nizar as if he was my little brother ytd. hahaa.... coz he's the youngest in his family and talking to him could be like me talking to my little brothers when they're 18 and that will be like.... omg! I asked him why little brothers hate their big brothers using the com till late at night(or early in the morning) ... or why little brothers cant stand it when their elder brother is at home? Hahah... and i sort of gained sthg frm the short chat. Heh. In conclusion, little brothers simply do not noe how much their elder brothers sayang them. -shakeshead-

anws, hope i'm not e only one feeling BORED n RESTLESS rite now. hope millions of kids out there are feeling e same LOUSY feeling as me! Muahahaha!Take care!

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